Monday, January 11, 2016

How To Stick With New Year's Resolutions

New Year, New You, right? I know we all like to think that this will be the year we make those changes in our everyday lives to better ourselves. As we start to go around the calendar and we get further and further from the holidays and back into our normal routines, its easy to start drifting away from those goals we set ourselves. (I may know from personal experience) Here are a few tips and tricks I use to help stick with those goals I set myself.

1. Write them down! 
Sitting down to write your goals out really helps you think about what you want to conquer in 2016, and it gives you something to refer back to when your starting to slip. Stick your list on your fridge, desk, or bathroom mirror, somewhere you will see it often.

2. Grab a buddy.
Finding a pal who wants to achieve the same goal with you makes it so much easier when you have someone to motivate you! Chat with your friends about their goals and push each other to achieve them.

3. Make notes throughout your planner.
One thing I have found that really helps me personally is writing down reminders of my goals on a couple different days throughout the month. When I get to these days in the month it works as a fun reminder and self check point to see how I am doing on my goals. 

4. Mentally go through your day each night.
I know I know, most of us do that anyway, but it really helps you think through day. Each night when I am laying in bed I like to turn the tv off, plug my phone in and leave in on my nightstand, and think through my day and while preparing for the next day. You can use this time to think about your goals, how your doing on them, and what you can do differently the following days to ensure your meeting your goals. 

Sticking to New Year's Resolutions can be so hard to do for everyone, hopefully these tips can help you conquer 2016!

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